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The Make Time Method 
To Help Advisors Reach 
Business AND Personal Goals

...In An Overworked World.


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*Achieving Balance is available for $14.99 on Amazon. Save $10 and get over $500 of bonuses!

The Make Time Method taught in 
 is the BEST Way to Discover Your Purpose, Increase Productivity, & Manage Your Time.
Step out of the CHAOS and into an IDEAL LIFE... 

Dear friend,

Every single day I speak with Financial Advisors who confide in me that they... are stuck in the workaholic trap.

Or they are struggling to live their purpose they are living a very successful but stressful life.

And they're frustrated as they are helping their clients Live the Dream, while they're still hustling.

This book will help you solve those problems.

  • Work 30-40 hours less and triple your income
  • ​Prioritize your health, relationships and wealth
  • Use your internal accountability system
How do I know this is possible?

I'm not proud to admit it, but I was an advisor stuck in the workaholic trap

...and it took me over 10 years to discover, create, and test the Make Time Method. 

Once I figured this out, I not only was able to reach 100% of my Business and Personal Goals in half the time

...but I have helped hundreds of service-based business owners do the same!


Time is the most valuable asset that you will ever invest in!

It would be my honor to help you ACHIEVE BALANCE and accomplish your business and personal goals!

Dr. Travis G. Parry

Founder of the 
Make Time Institute

Act Now And Lock In These BONUSES:
BONUS #1: Achieving Balance Guidebook 
"Achieving Balance" was meant to be a resource to read again and again. The Guidebook is the companion you need to complete all the exercises in order to implement the Make Time Method in your life.
VALUE: $50
BONUS #2: Time Management Mastery Course
3-Hour Video Training to Jumpstart Your Balance... So You Can Work Smarter, Earn More, and Take More Vacations!
VALUE: $497
With The Make Time Method, You Will:
  • SAVE TIME at work so you can invest more in the things you love 
  • DISCOVER and PRIORITIZE your values
  • ACCOMPLISH your personal, business & financial GOALS
  • IMPROVE your health
  • STRENGTHEN your relationship
  • ​and ESCAPE the Workaholic Trap...for good!​
Writing A Book Can Set You Free.
By the end of this book, you will have the clarity to know .... How to Prioritize ALL Your Goals!
You’ll know EXACTLY how to create an Ideal Calendar for Business and Personal Life!
and you’ll have confidence, knowing how to Achieve Your Sense of Balance!!
It's not about having... More Time Management Hacks.
It's about being... More Intentional!
Financial Advisor Testimonials…
What Other Readers Are Saying...
Now, you might be wondering WHO I am,
and what QUALIFIES me to write this book...
As a young financial advisor, I had recently graduated college, newly married and we had 2 children.

Balancing time to build the business and make time with the family was difficult, 

...especially with management telling me to work nights and weekends for the first 5 year!

By day I was helping my clients live their ideal lives,

While I was unable to spend the time I deserved with my own growing family.

Before I knew it the financial planning industry had me digging my own grave.

My health, family relationships, and personal finances were all spiraling out of control!!

Then, in 2006, out of the blue, my 49-year-old father lost an unknown battle with heart disease.

My first death claim came at year 4 with my own flesh and blood.
And my entire family and I were left with no answers and a huge hole in us all.

My father was a pillar of strength to our family and to the community.

This couldn't have come at a more stressful time in my life and I spent months helping my mother and brothers readjust to their new life.

However, what I didn't know is that the ultimate set-back become the miracle that I didn't know I needed... 

What do you mean, Travis???

Listen, while I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, my father's passing is the motivation I needed to finally put my health as top PRIORITY!!! 

>>>>> If you read chapter 1 of Achieving Balance, you’ll find out exactly why!

For a guy who was trying so hard to help everyone achieve their business and personal goals, my father's death is what I needed to wake me up to my own health reality!

This knocked me down so far that for a while I didn't think I could get back up again! 

This is when the learning begins, isn't it! 

As my wife and I were trying to put the pieces back into our marriage, our health, and finances; I decided to go independent and work on gaining my work/life balance back.


I finally got serious and went on a health journey. And I decided to get some help. So, I hired a coach. 

With his guidance. I was able to finally make progress on my time management. I was so productive that I profited even through crash of 2008.

However, it wasn't enough. I wanted to find out how to help other advisors to get their work/life balance back. 

Financial advisors are 3-5 times more likely to be workaholics and the majority admit that they already are. 

The industry seems to attract and groom these workaholics into the workaholic trap instead of teach healthy boundaries to save them from digging their own grave.

The time management training was good but it wasn't good enough, advisors needed boundaries they needed either life-long coaching or some other solution!

Anyone who knows me, knows that when I can't solve for "x" I will die trying! The x in the equation is what I spent the next 10 years researching and testing for.

I hired coaches, mentors, and even earned 2 graduate degrees to further test my hypothesis. 

Meanwhile our family grew to 8!

What I learned was to Achieve Balance advisors need Priorities, Boundaries, and Life-time Accountability!

The Make Time Method spells out the 12 steps that every service-based business owner needs to do just that.

This new way of life has since helped thousands of advisors as they discover their priorities and use it as internal motivation, create a time management system that keeps them productive and sets boundaries, and learn to use their built-in accountability parters (spouses) to help them achieve balance!!!

In short …

From one advisor to another, I believe advisors are doing amazing things for their clients and they deserve to be living their lives on purpose!

And in my book, you’ll learn how YOU can use the Make Time Method to achieve your business and personal goals. 

You can turn your chaos to an Ideal Life in 90 days or Less!.

Your copy of
 could already be on it's way... 
what are you waiting for?
Get the Achieving Balance paperback,  AND ALL the Bonuses!!!

Bonuses = $557 Value!!!

Considering that you can save massive amounts of time in just ONE lesson, in ONE chapter… this is a STEAL.

There’s just one catch …

I may decide to start charging for this book at any time. So act now to get this for amazing deal, while you still can.

Click the button now and fill out your info to get your copy rushed to you.
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